Book Suggestions

 Exploring Professional Practice

In what ways can we explore caring for water as sustenance for all life? 

This book is a fabulous book about caring for water and water’s importance.  

Being a steward of the land is found in the grade 4 social studies curriculum; “B2. Inquiry: Balancing Human Needs and Environmental Stewardship”.

I would read this book with the students and have them work through this kit as part of a unit of the People and Environments: Political and Physical Regions of Canada strand.

*Also this video

How does learning about respect for the environment teach learners about respect for themselves? 

This book is an excellent book to speak about respecting the environment from the earth to the water to the sky; every living thing. 

Throughout the elementary health and physical education curriculum, respect is listed 176 times.  I will be focusing on the importance of respect with regards to healthy relationships and respecting the environment (A1.4 and B1.1).

I would take the students outside for a walk about.  I would take notes of how the students treat their environment.  I would suggest students not to simply pull leaves off of trees, break branches, or squash bugs.  I would invite them to rather think of how they would want to be treated; having students make the connection to how we treat other living things is reflective of how we treat ourselves.


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